It is a fantasy story about a cosplayer who gets sucked into a roleplaying game.
The Future is a dark, apocalyptic time period where the War against Fuse has been unsuccessful so far resulting in. Last Legacy is one of the four stories that were released on the app's launch. It is unknown what will happen to the Academy. Commandeered by Lord Fuse, each attack has given it greater gravity and power as it moves on to its next target. However, it is confirmed that the Future will be in FusionFall Legacy. The story of FusionFall begins thousands of years in the past with the Planet Fusion, a world-conquering alien entity that absorbs the planets of its victims. In exchange, the tutorial/early levels of the game took place in the Academy. Action will be placed the action on different maps, each with their own unique baddy. All of the missions depend on the players level. Missions are one of the three possible ways of winning Fusion Matter and unique items. In FusionFall Heroes, you have to choose one character from some of Cartoon Network's greatest heroes including Finn, Dexter, and Gumball, and fight with the 'bad guys'. If any page does not follow the mission format, please fix it immediately.

I think his existing personality came about from us trying to parallel bubbles’ slightly toned down personality in fusionfall in comparison to how she was in the original show. The Future in the original FusionFall game was removed as of February 16th, 2011. FusionFall Heroes is an online adventure that you can play either with friends or solo. First I wanna preface that had we continued working on legacy, I think we might’ve pivoted Boomer’s personality in a different direction lol